The Celestial Charm of Celestite Crystal
PROUNOUNCIATION : cell - es - tite
BEST FOR: mental clarity + higher purpose + inner peace
COLOUR: light blue + grey + deeper but still transparent blue
AFFIRMATION: I notice and understand the messages from the angels
MOHS : 3-3.5
CHAKRA: crown + third eye + throat
SIGNS: Gemini
ORIGINS: Madagascar
COMPANION STONES: for meditation – kyanite, for easing tension – lapis lazuli, for calming – selenite
RARITY: some varieties are considered rare
A fun fact about Celestite - The worlds largest known geode is actually a huge Celestite geode. At its widest point, this massive geode is 35 feet in diameter. It was discovered in Ohio, United States in the 1890s when winery workers were attempting to drill a well. This geode is estimated to have been formed during the last ice age 12,000 - 15,000 years ago.
Celestite, also called Celestine, is a strontium sulfate mineral first reported in the 1790s. Its name, derived from the Latin caelestis, means “celestial” or “heavenly,” and refers to the sky-blue color commonly exhibited by its crystals.
While it is usually colorless to pale blue or blue-gray, specimens of white, yellow, light orange to reddish-brown, and pale green have been reported. Celestite forms in tabular and prismatic crystals, in compact massive or fibrous forms, and as crystal linings in geodes. Because of its softness, it is less often used as a gemstone and more often as specimens, with the most beautiful blue clusters usually coming from Madagascar.
One unique trait of Celestite is that it's highly flammable when ground into a powder. It's commonly used in fireworks because it naturally displays a bold and bright red color when burning.
Celestite is a very high vibrational stone thats energy can be felt with just a touch. This mineral works towards activating your third eye and crown chakra while creating a clear channel between the two. Your unique psychic abilities will become activated, helping to see and understand messages at a much higher energetic level. These messages are here to serve you on your life path and provide much-needed signs along the way.
Some of these experiences include ESP, astral projection, lucid dreaming, deja vu, and a general feeling of connection with your guardian angels. When you first start working with Celestite, you will immediately notice how much more vivid your dreams are. Having lucid dreams will allow you to understand the images with more clarity. Everything you see in the dream realm is important and has a meaning as to why you dreamt it.
As you continue to meditate and work with Celestite, you will be able to have more control over your dreams and what happens within them. We suggest placing a piece of Celestite next to your bedside so you can better channel its energies.
Celestite is an incredible stone to turn to when you are struggling with dysfunctional relationships as it helps to clear the mind of anger, resentment, or lingering bad moods – making way for clarity, clear eyes, and a sense of calm to breeze right in. When you aren’t being led by the fire of your emotions, you are better equipped to communicate, express compassion both inside and out, and to open your heart.
As one of the softer and more delicate crystals, Celestite takes a certain level of gentle care to keep it in top spirits. Cleansing Celestite can be done by rinsing it in water or if you would prefer to avoid water you can also leave it submerged or placed in a bowl of salt. Keep Celestite away from those harder crystals like Hematite and Tourmaline as they may chip or scratch the surface of your gentle-natured light blue Celestite. Other ways to give your crystal a recharge are to place it in moonlight or even sunlight. But be wary about placing Celestite in direct sunlight for long periods of time as it will cause the coloring to fade or change.
Celestite is a must for anyone who wants to bring a little more divinity into their life. On a grounded sense it works by encouraging a sense of self-awareness that goes even deeper than you could imagine. Not only does it instill a sense of calmness, clarity, and clear authentic communication with those you love, but it also serves as a springboard for connecting with your higher purpose and finding your spirit guide.
Shop our Celestite collection here